Java Mine
Vibration1000Base Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
This is Create, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is getCrestFactor, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is getData, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
Returns default configurations for the sensor
This is getDisplacement, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is getDutyCycle, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is getFundamentalFrequency, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is getPeakHarmonic, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is getProfileType, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is getRmsHarmonic, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is getTemperature, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is getVibration, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor.
This is setCrestFactor, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is setDisplacement, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is setDutyCycle, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is setFundamentalFrequency, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is setPeakHarmonic, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is setRmsHarmonic, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is setTemperature, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
This is setVibration, a member of class Vibration1000Base. 
sets the ReportInterval as minutes on the sensor object the next time this sensor checks in it will update
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