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GeforceMaxAvgBase Members Public Methods
Public Methods
This is classMap, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is Create, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is CreateApplicationBase, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is getAccelerometerMode, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getData, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
Returns default configurations for the sensor
This is getImplementedSensors, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is getMagDeltaValue, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getMagnitudeMax, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getMagnitudeMean, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getOutputDataRate, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getProfileType, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getReArmTime, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is GetType, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is getXDeltaValue, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getXMax, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getXMean, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getYDeltaValue, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getYMax, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getYMean, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getZDeltaValue, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getZMax, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is getZMean, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is ProfileType, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 

Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor.
This is setMagnitudeMax, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is setMagnitudeMean, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is setXMax, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is setXMean, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is setYMax, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is setYMean, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is setZMax, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
This is setZMean, a member of class GeforceMaxAvgBase. 
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