Java Mine
GridEyeBase Members Public Methods
Public Methods
This is CalibrateFrame, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is classMap, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is Create, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is CreateApplicationBase, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is getAvgTemp, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is getData, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
Returns default configurations for the sensor
This is getImplementedSensors, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is getInCount, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is getMaxTemp, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is getMinTemp, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is getOccupancyCount, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is getOutCount, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is getProfileType, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is GetType, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is setAvgTemp, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is setInCount, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is setMaxTemp, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is setMinTemp, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is setOccupancyCount, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
This is setOutCount, a member of class GridEyeBase. 
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