Monnit Mine Java
MineServer Members Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Public Event GatewayMessage;

Fired when a message is received from a gateway.

  • Fired when an exception is caught allowing the exception to be logged.

public Event LogException; *

  • Fires the LogException event.
  • @param ex Exception to be passed.
  • @param location Method name where the exception occurred.

  • Fired when changes have been made to the gateway object that can be
  • persisted to a permanent data store.

public Event PersistGateway; *

  • Fires PersistGateway event.
  • @param gatewayID Numerical identifier of gateway.

  • Fired when changes have been made to the sensor object that can be
  • persisted to a permanent data store.

public Event PersistSensor; *

  • Fires PersitSensor event.
  • @param sensorID Numerical identifier of sensor.
public Event SensorMessage;

Fired when one or more sensor messages are received.
public event EventHandler UnknownGateway;

Fired when Mine receives a message from an unregistered gateway.
public event EventHandler UnknownSensor;

Fired when a gateway declines a join from a sensor.
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