Java Mine
AttentionBase Methods

The methods of the AttentionBase class are listed here.

This is Create, a member of class AttentionBase. 
This is getData, a member of class AttentionBase. 
Returns default configurations for the sensor
@param version The version of the Sensor @param platform The Firmware Generation of your device. i.e. Commercial, Alta, Wifi @return Default configurations for the sensor 
This is getProfileType, a member of class AttentionBase. 

Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor. @param sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway if no activity recorded. @param pollRate How often the local alert communicates with the gateway looking for new down messages. @param alarmTime How long the alarm is on before snoozing. @param snoozeTime How long the alarm is turned off before alarming again ( a new notification will force the device back into the alarm state). @param enableBackLight Controls the backlight when only the status bar is displayed. @param enableLEDAlarm Turns the LED... more 
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