Java Mine
GatewayMessage Members Public Methods
Public Methods

gets the battery voltage based on the power attribute @return the voltage as a double 

gets the unique identifier of the gateway @return gatewayID as a long 

gets the gateway parameter list @return List of parameters 

gets how many messages where sent in by the gateway @return MessageCount as a integer 

gets the message type @return MessageType as an integer 

gets power which is measured in millivolts @return power as an integer 

gets when the message for the specific gateway came in @return a Received date as a calendar 

sets the unique identifier of the gateway 

sets the gateway parameters list @param GatewayParameterList is a list of parameters 

sets how many messages came in from the gateway 

sets the message type @param messageType 

sets the gateways power @param power millivolt value 

sets the received date of the message @param receivedDate calendar object of when the message came in 

an override of the toString() method prints out like "Wed May 18 2016 10:50:05 PM GatewayID: 110051 Type: Data MessageCount: 6 Gateway Power: 3.91" @return all the data as a string 
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