Java Mine
AdvancedVibrationBase Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
Calibrate baselines @param sensorID Numeric identifier of sensor @return Byte array with sensor level command for calibration 
Creates the byte array that contains the sensor calibration command @param sensorID Numerical identifier of the sensor @param temp Temperature used to set the calibration the sensor @return Byte array with sensor level command for calibration 
This is Create, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is GetAccelerometerRange, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is getData, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
Returns default configurations for the sensor
@param version The version of the Sensor @param platform The Firmware Generation of your device. i.e. Commercial, Alta, Wifi @return Default configurations for the sensor 
This is GetHarmonicPeakAware, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is GetHarmonicRMSAware, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is GetMaxFrequency, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is GetMeasurementInterval, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is GetMinFrequency, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is getProfileType, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
Retrieve the Sample rate from the bitpacked configuration field. @param sensor Sensor object @return integer of the sample rate 
This is GetTempThreshMax, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is GetTempThreshMin, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is GetVibrationAwareThreshold, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is GetVibrationHysteresis, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
Retrieve the Vibration mode from the bitpacked configuration field. @param sensor Sensor object @return integer of the vibration mode 
This is GetVibrationSensitivityThreshold, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is GetWindowFunction, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
@param sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway, if no activity is recorded @param awareStateHeartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway while in Aware State. @param VibrationHysteresis A buffer to prevent the sensor from bouncing between Standard Operation and Aware State when the assessments are very close to a threshold. @param VibrationAwareThreshold The sensor will become aware when Vibration goes above this value. @param VibrationSensitivityThreshold Values below this threshold are ignored (no analysis will occur and will not count towards duty cycle). Setting this to 0 will force... more 
This is SetAccelerometerRange, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is setData, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is SetHarmonicRMSAware, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is SetMaxFrequency, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is SetSampleRate, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is SetTempThreshMax, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is SetVibrationMode, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is SetVibrationSensitivityThreshold, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 
This is SetWindowFunction, a member of class AdvancedVibrationBase. 

Sets the ReportInterval as minutes on the sensor object the next time this sensor checks in it will update @param sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartBeat a double value this is represented in minutes so heartbeat equals 1 that is one minute @param sendSensorUpdate a Boolean flag that lets the sensor know if it should send up the new configuration 
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