Java Mine
CO2MeterBase Methods

The methods of the CO2MeterBase class are listed here.

Not yet implemented @param sensorID @param actualValue @param measuredValue @param queueID @param subcommand @return 
This is Create, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is GetAltitude, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is GetAutoZeroInterval, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
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This is GetC02Offset, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
Data Generated: Instantaneous [int] Expressed as PPM (Parts Per Million) TWA [int] Expressed as PPM (Parts Per Million)  
Returns default configurations for the sensor
@param version The version of the Sensor @param platform The Firmware Generation of your device. i.e. Commercial, Alta, Wifi @return Default configurations for the sensor 
This is GetDigitalFilter, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is GetEnableAutoCalibration, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
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This is GetMeasurementInterval, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is getProfileType, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
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This is the overview for the InstantaneousBuffer method overload. 
This is the overview for the InstantaneousThreshold method overload. 

Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor. @param sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway if no activity recorded. @param awareStateHeartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway while in Aware State. @param instantaneousThreshold Any assessments above this value will cause the sensor to enter the Aware State. @param instantaneousBuffer A buffer to prevent the sensor from bouncing between Standard Operation and Aware State when the assessments are very close to a threshold. For example, if a Maximum threshold is set to 90 degrees and a... more 
This is SetAltitude, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is SetAutoZeroInterval, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is SetAutoZeroValue, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is SetC02Offset, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is setData, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is SetDigitalFilter, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is SetEnableAutoCalibration, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is SetHardwareFaultTime, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
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This is SetTemperatureZeroPoint, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is SpanCalibrationValue, a member of class CO2MeterBase. 
This is the overview for the TWABuffer method overload. 
This is the overview for the TWAThreshold method overload. 
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