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Gas_H2SBase Methods

The methods of the Gas_H2SBase class are listed here.

This is CalibrateFrame, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is Create, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
Data Generated: Temp [double] Expressed as Celsius Instantaneous [double] Expressed as PPM (Parts Per Million) TWA [double] Expressed as PPM (Parts Per Million)  
Returns default configurations for the sensor
@param version The version of the Sensor @param platform The Firmware Generation of your device. i.e. Commercial, Alta, Wifi @return Default configurations for the sensor 
This is GetGasHysteresis, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is GetGasMaxThresh, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is GetGasMinThresh, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
Instantaneous [double] Expressed as PPM (Parts Per Million)  
This is getProfileType, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is getRawADC, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is GetSampleRate, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is GetSpan, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
Temp [double] Expressed as Celsius  
This is GetTempMaxThresh, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is GetTempMinThresh, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
TWA [double] Expressed as PPM (Parts Per Million)  
This is GetZeroADC, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor.
@param sens sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway if no activity recorded @param awareStateHeartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway while in Aware State @param minimumThreshold Any assessments below this ppm value will cause the sensor to enter the Aware State @param minimumThreshold Any assessments below this ppm value will cause the sensor to enter the Aware State @param maximumThreshold Any assessments above this ppm value will cause the sensor to enter the Aware State @param Hysteresis... more 
This is SetGasMaxThresh, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is SetGasMinThresh, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is setInstantaneous, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is setRawADC, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is SetSpan, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is setTemp, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is SetTempHysteresis, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is SetTempMaxThresh, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is SetTempMinThresh, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is setTWA, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
This is SetZeroADC, a member of class Gas_H2SBase. 
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