Java Mine
Gateway Methods

The methods of the Gateway class are listed here.


allows you to add a single byte array to your action control command @param comm is a byte array command for a gateway 
This is the overview for the BatteryPercentageHelper method overload. 

sets the isdirty flag to true  

gets a list of byte arrays that are the action control commands for the gateway  
This is getAutoConfigCommand, a member of class Gateway. 
This is getAutoConfigTime, a member of class Gateway. 
This is getDecryptFailureDate, a member of class Gateway. 

gets the Router Address the gateway will use to pass traffic through  
This is getEncryptionIV, a member of class Gateway. 
This is getEncryptionKey, a member of class Gateway. 
This is getExternalIdentifier, a member of class Gateway. 

gets the primary dns of the gateway  

gets the APN firmware version of the gateway @return gets the version as a string 

Gets the Gateways unique identifier @return gateway id as an integer 

gets the gateways IP address  

gets the SubNetMask of the gateway  

gets the gateways type @return the gateway type as an eGatewayType 
This is getGPSReportInterval, a member of class Gateway. 
This is getHasUrgentTraffic, a member of class Gateway. 

gets if the sensor needs to be updated or not  
This is getLastSequence, a member of class Gateway. 

gets how often the gateway will get the sensor list updated  

gets weather or not the gateway uses observeAware  
This is getPendingActionControlCommand, a member of class Gateway. 

gets the poll interval  

gets the primary port the gateway will send data through  

gets the pre-shared key that should be on the gateway  

gets the Radio Firmware Version of the gateway @return brings back the version as a string 

gets the report interval of the gateway  

gets the secondary dns of the gateway  
This is getSendResetNetworkRequest, a member of class Gateway. 

gets the primary server host address the gateway sends data to  

Reforms the gateways network updating the gateways channel and re-downloading the sensor list for the gateway  

sets action control commands for the gateway @param actionControlCommands is a list of byte arrays 
This is setAutoConfigTime, a member of class Gateway. 
This is setDecryptFailureDate, a member of class Gateway. 
This is setGPSReportInterval, a member of class Gateway. 

sets if the gateway should be updated or not @param isdirty allows the system to know if the gateway should be updated or not 
This is setLastSequence, a member of class Gateway. 

Sets how often the gateway list with be updated @param networkListInterval how often in minutes the gateway will get an updated sensor list 

sets if the gateway should observe the aware state of a sensor @param observeAware if true will send all data being held regardless of report interval 


updates everything needed to change the gateway IP @param staticIP Static IP address that the gateway should be set to @param subnet The SubNetMask of the gateway @param defaultRouter The IP address of the router the gateway should be talking through @param primaryDNS The primary DNS IP address @param secondaryDNS The secondary DNS IP address 

updates the poll interval of the gateway @param pollInterval the value in minutes of how often the gateway should check for messages from the server 

updates the gateways heartbeat in minutes @param reportInterval the heartbeat value in minutes the gateway should be updated to. 

updates the host and port on the gateway @param host is the primary host address that the gateway should talk to @param port is the primary port the gateway should talk to 
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