Java Mine
QuadTemperatureBase Members Public Methods
Public Methods
Creates the byte array that holding the sensor calibration command
@param sensorID Numerical identifier of the sensor @param temp Temperature used to set the calibration the sensor @return Byte array with sensor level command for calibration 
Not yet implemented
@param sensor @param value @param sendSensorUpdate 
Not yet implemented
@param sensor @param value @param sendSensorUpdate 
Not yet implemented
@param sensor @param value @param sendSensorUpdate 
Not yet implemented
@param sensor @param value @param sendSensorUpdate 
This is classMap, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is Create, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is CreateApplicationBase, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is GetCalVal1FirstByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetCalVal1FourthByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetCalVal1SecondByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetCalVal1ThirdByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
Data Generated: ProbeOne [Double] Expressed as Celsius ProbeTwo [Double] Expressed as Celsius ProbeThree [Double] Expressed as Celsius ProbeFour [Double] Expressed as Celsius  
Returns default configurations for the sensor
@param version The version of the Sensor @param platform The Firmware Generation of your device. i.e. Commercial, Alta, Wifi @return Default configurations for the sensor 
This is GetHystFirstByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetHystFourthByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetHystSecondByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetHystThirdByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is getImplementedSensors, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is GetMaxFirstByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetMaxFourthByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetMaxSecondByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetMaxThirdByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetMinFirstByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetMinFourthByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetMinSecondByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetMinThirdByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
ProbeFour [Double] Expressed as Celsius  
ProbeOne [Double] Expressed as Celsius Error Codes -999.7 -> Hardware Failure (Empty) -999.8 -> Hardware Failure (Short) -999.9 -> No Sensor Detected -1000 -> Short Detected, Reset Battery 125 -> Short Detected, Reset Battery  
ProbeThree [Double] Expressed as Celsius  
ProbeTwo [Double] Expressed as Celsius  
This is getProfileType, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is GetType, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 

Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor. @param sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway if no activity recorded. @param awareStateHeartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway while in Aware State. @param assessmentsPerHeartBeat How many times between heartbeats a sensor will check its measurements against its thresholds to determine whether it will enter the Aware State. Warning if your sensor firmware is less than Setting assessments greater than one will cause this sensor to not self elect follow a gateway to a new channel.... more 
This is SetCalVal1FirstByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is SetCalVal1SecondByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is SetCalVal1ThirdByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is SetHystFirstByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is SetHystSecondByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is SetHystThirdByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is SetMaxFirstByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is SetMaxSecondByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is SetMaxThirdByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is SetMinFirstByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is SetMinSecondByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is SetMinThirdByte, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is setProbeFour, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is setProbeOne, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is setProbeThree, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
This is setProbeTwo, a member of class QuadTemperatureBase. 
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