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FiveInputDryContactBase Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
This is Create, a member of class FiveInputDryContactBase. 
Data Generated: Contact1 [boolean] Expressed as Loop State Contact2 [boolean] Expressed as Loop State Contact3 [boolean] Expressed as Loop State Contact4 [boolean] Expressed as Loop State Contact5 [boolean] Expressed as Loop State  
Returns default configurations for the sensor @param version The version of the Sensor @param platform The Firmware Generation of your device. i.e. GEN1, GEN2, WIFI @return 
This is isContact1, a member of class FiveInputDryContactBase. 
This is isContact2, a member of class FiveInputDryContactBase. 
This is isContact3, a member of class FiveInputDryContactBase. 
This is isContact4, a member of class FiveInputDryContactBase. 
This is isContact5, a member of class FiveInputDryContactBase. 
Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor. @param sens sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway if no activity recorded. @param awareStateHeartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway while in the Aware State. @param timeToReArm The time in seconds after a triggering event that the sensor will wait before re-arming itself. @param debounceResponseTime @param eventDetectionType1 Dry Contact 1 @param eventDetectionType2 Dry Contact 2 @param eventDetectionType3 Dry Contact 3 @param eventDetectionType4 Dry Contact 4 @param eventDetectionType5 Dry Contact 5 @param failedTransmissionsBeforeLinkMode The number of transmissions the... more 
This is setContact1, a member of class FiveInputDryContactBase. 
This is setContact2, a member of class FiveInputDryContactBase. 
This is setContact3, a member of class FiveInputDryContactBase. 
This is setContact4, a member of class FiveInputDryContactBase. 
This is setContact5, a member of class FiveInputDryContactBase. 
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