Java Mine
LightSensor_PPFDBase.UpdateSpanCalibration Method

/ Calibrates the sensor to correct values set by the user / /

public static void UpdateSpanCalibration(Sensor sens, double expectedReading, double lastReading, double lastTempReading);
Sensor sens 
sens the Sensor object to be updated  
double expectedReading 
The expect PPFD level from the last reading of the device. 
double lastReading 
The reported PPFD level from the last reading of the device. 
double lastTempReading 
The reported Temperature from the last reading of the device. 







  • Calibrates the sensor to correct values set by the user


  • @param sens sens the Sensor object to be updated
  • @param expectedReading The expect PPFD level from the last reading of the device
  • @param lastReading The reported PPFD level from the last reading of the device
  • @param lastTempReading The reported Temperature from the last reading of the device
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