Java Mine
Motion_RH_WaterDetectBase.SensorEdit Method
public static void SensorEdit(Sensor sens, Double heartBeat, Double awareStateHeartBeat, Integer assessmentsPerHeartBeat, Double minimumThresholdTemperature, Double maximumThresholdTemperature, Double hysteresisTemperature, Double minimumThresholdHumidity, Double maximumThresholdHumidity, Double hysteresisHumidity, Integer motionSensitivity, Double reArmTime, Boolean enterAwareStateOnMotion, Integer enterAwareStateWhenWaterIs);

Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor. @param sens sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway if no activity recorded. @param awareStateHeartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway while in Aware State. @param assessmentsPerHeartBeat How many times between heartbeats a sensor will check its measurements against its thresholds to determine whether it will enter the Aware State. Warning if your sensor firmware is less than Setting assessments greater than one will cause this sensor to not self elect follow a gateway to a new channel. if you reform your gateway you will need to power cycle the sensor for it to link on a new channel. @param minimumThresholdTemperature Any assessments below this value will cause the sensor to enter the Aware State.(Celsius) @param maximumThresholdTemperature Any assessments above this value will cause the sensor to enter the Aware State.(Celsius) @param hysteresisTemperature A buffer to prevent the sensor from bouncing between Standard Operation and Aware State when the assessments are very close to a threshold. For example, if a Maximum threshold is set to 90 degrees and a Hysteresis of 1 degree, then once the sensor takes an assessment of 90 degrees and enters the Aware State it will remain in the Aware state until the temperature readings drop to 89 degrees similarly, at the minimum threshold the temperature will have to rise a degree above the threshold to return to Standard Operation.(Celsius) @param minimumThresholdHumidity Any assessments below this value will cause the sensor to enter the Aware State.(Celsius) @param maximumThresholdHumidity Any assessments above this value will cause the sensor to enter the Aware State.(Celsius) @param hysteresisHumidity A buffer to prevent the sensor from bouncing between Standard Operation and Aware State when the assessments are very close to a threshold. For example, if a Maximum threshold is set to 90 degrees and a Hysteresis of 1 degree, then once the sensor takes an assessment of 90 degrees and enters the Aware State it will remain in the Aware state until the temperature readings drop to 89 degrees similarly, at the minimum threshold the temperature will have to rise a degree above the threshold to return to Standard Operation.(%) @param motionSensitivity (9 feet : Threshold = 64, 12 feet : Threshold = 40, 15 feet : Threshold = 25 )Sensitivity of the PIR Sensor. Sensor will quickly and consistently detect a full sized adult(5'8", 170 Lbs) moving across the sensor face facing perpendicular to the sensor at the given range. The sensor can detect beyond the given range but it may be inconsistent or only trigger if there is a more significant infrared change (multiple adults moving across the sensor face, single adult moving across the sensor face while facing the sensor and jumping up and down, adult with more exposed skin area, etc.). The ability of the sensor to detect an object is directly related to the ability of the sensor to see a rapid change in the background temperature. Coats, hats, gloves, or other insulative clothing will reduce the sensors ability to detect the subject. @param reArmTime After a trigger event the sensor will not be able to trigger again for this amount of time after the triggering event. @param enterAwareStateOnMotion Should the sensor send aware on motion @param enterAwareStateWhenWaterIs Determines which reading of the sensor will trigger the aware State. Present = 0, Absent = 1, and StateChange = 2.

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