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MultiStageThermostatBase.SensorEdit Method
public static void SensorEdit(Sensor sens, Double heartBeat, Integer SystemType, Integer HeatCoolMode, Double OccupiedSetpoint, Double TempDelta, Integer OccupiedTimeout, Double UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint, Double UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint, Double Stage2CoolingActivationTime, Double Stage2CoolingActivationThreshold, Double Stage2HeatingActivationTime, Double Stage2HeatingActivationThreshold, Double Stage3HeatingActivationTime, Double Stage3HeatingActivationThreshold, Double Stage4HeatingActivationTime, Double Stage4HeatingActivationThreshold, Boolean EnableLoadBalancingHeater, Boolean EnableLoadBalancingCooler, Boolean AwareWhenOccupied, Boolean AwareOnStateChange, Integer ReversingValve, Integer FanControl, Integer FanPeriod, Integer FanOnInterval, Integer FanStartTimeForHeater, Integer FanStopTimeForHeater, Integer FanStartTimeForCooler, Integer FanStopTimeForCooler, Integer failedTransmissionsBeforeLinkMode);

Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor 

@param sens sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway if no activity recorded. @param SystemType Sets the HVAC system type and what items are controlled. The HVAC system must be defined prior to using. If undefined none of the HVAC controls will turn on as a safety feature. @param HeatCoolMode Sets whether the thermostat controls heating, cooling, or both automatically. @param OccupiedSetpoint Sets when to turn on and off Heating and Cooling when the building is occupied @param TempDelta Sets the amount of buffer for the heating and cooling. example: If the buffer is set to 5 degrees,The heat will turn on at 25 C and off at 30 C @param OccupiedTimeout The amount of time after the occupied state has been triggered that the system will revert back to the unoccupied temperature settings. @param UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint Readings below the Heating System setpoint will turn on the Heater. (UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint and UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint must be set at the same time) @param UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint Readings above the Cooling System setpoint will turn on the Cooling system.(UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint and UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint must be set at the same time) @param AwareWhenOccupied If turned on, the thermostat will report aware when motion is detected. "The Occupied Timeout" configuration acts as a rearm period for reporting motion. @param AwareOnStateChange If On, when the Thermostat reports a state change it will mark that data message as aware. NOTE: The thermostat reports all state changes no matter what. If marked aware the message will force the gateway to send that data up to the server immediately. @param Stage2CoolingActivationTime Amount of time the 1st stage is allowed to run before activating the 2nd stage. @param Stage2CoolingActivationThreshold If the temperature goes above the setpoint by this amount the 2nd stage will be activated immediately. @param Stage2HeatingActivationTime Amount of time the 1st stage is allowed to run before activating the 2nd stage. @param Stage2HeatingActivationThreshold If the temperature goes beyond the setpoint by this amount the 2nd stage will be activated immediately. @param Stage3HeatingActivationTime Amount of time the 1st stage is allowed to run before activating the 3rd stage. The 3rd stage may be Aux or a Conventional stage. @param Stage3HeatingActivationThreshold If the temperature goes beyond the setpoint by this amount the 3rd stage will be activated immediately. @param Stage4HeatingActivationTime Amount of time the 1st stage is allowed to run before activating the 4th stage. The 4th stage may be Aux or a Conventional stage. @param Stage4HeatingActivationThreshold If the temperature goes beyond the setpoint by this amount the 4th stage will be activated immediately. @param EnableLoadBalancingHeater When ON balances the load between the 1st and 2nd stage heaters ensuring they run approximately the same time overall. Only applies when the System Type has 2 or more stages for heating. When turning the heater on this checks the time tally for each stage and will turn on whichever stage has the lowest total runtime first. NOTE: Should only be enabled when the 1st and 2nd stages have close to the same heating capacity. If unsure about this setting leave it OFF. @param EnableLoadBalancingCooler When ON balances the load between the 1st and 2nd stage coolers ensuring they run approximately the same time overall. Only applies when the System Type has 2 or more stages for cooling. When turning the cooler on this checks the time tally for each stage and will turn on whichever stage has the lowest total runtime. NOTE: Should only be enabled when the 1st and 2nd stages have close to the same cooling capacity. If unsure about this setting leave it OFF. @param ReversingValve Indicates the HVAC system type and what items are controlled. The HVAC system must be defined prior to using. If undefined none of the HVAC controls will turn on as a safety feature. @param FanControl Various control states for the fan. Auto: HVAC system not the thermostat control the fan. Auto+Periodic: Enable configuration to turn the fan of for a period of time at the beginning of a larger period of time. Meant to be used in conjunction with Fan On Period and Fan Auto Period configuration. If a cooling or heating event occurs, the Periodic Fan event time is reset. Active Fan Control: The thermostat actively controls when the fan turns on/off when the heating/cooling is started and stopped. Meant to be used in conjunction with the various Fan Start Time configurations.(Auto = 0, Auto+Periodic = 1, On = 2, Active Fan Control = 3) @param FanPeriod Amount of time the fan is forced on during the Fan Auto Period. Ex: Fan On Period = 10 minutes, Fan Auto Period = 120 minutes. At the beginning of the 120 minute Auto Period the fan will be forced on for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes the fan will turn off. 120 minutes after the fan was forced on the fan will be forced on again. Fan On Period must be less than Fan Auto Period. @param FanOnInterval Interval in which Fan On Period works. Fan Auto Period must be greater than Fan On Period. @param FanStartTimeForHeater Fan starts this amount of time after the heater starts. @param FanStopTimeForHeater Fan stops this amount of time after the heater stops. @param FanStartTimeForCooler Fan starts this amount of time after the cooler starts. @param FanStopTimeForCooler Fan stops this amount of time after the cooler starts. @param failedTransmissionsBeforeLinkMode The number of transmissions the sensor sends without response from a gateway before it goes to battery saving link mode. In link mode the sensor will scan for a new gateway and if not found will enter battery saving sleep mode for 2 hours before trying to scan again. Lower number will allow sensors to find new gateways with fewer missed readings. Higher numbers will cause the sensor to hold it setting in a noisy RF environment better. (Zero will cause the sensor to never enter link mode. to find a new gateway channel the battery will have to be cycled out of the sensor.)

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