Java Mine
Gateway.BatteryPercentageHelper Method (double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
public static double BatteryPercentageHelper(double zero, double ten, double twentyFive, double fifty, double seventyFive, double oneHundred, double reportedVoltage);


a more advanced version of the BatteryPercentageHelper if you created your own battery for the gateway @param zero the voltage that would be read if the gateways battery is about to die @param ten the voltage that would be read if the gateways battery is around 10% battery life @param twentyFive the voltage that would be read if the gateways battery is around 25% battery life @param fifty the voltage that would be read if the gateways battery is around 50% battery life @param seventyFive the voltage that would be read if the gateways battery is around 75% battery life @param oneHundred the voltage that would be read if the gateways battery is around 100% battery life @param reportedVoltage This is the voltage given when the gateway checks in

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