C# Mine
ThermostatBase Methods

The methods of the ThermostatBase class are listed here.

creates calibration byte array to be sent to the sensor  
This is Create, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetAwareStateTriggers, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetBit, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetCoolingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetCoolingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
Returns default configurations for the sensor  
This is GetEnableOccupancyDetection, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanControl, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanOnInterval, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanOnPeriod, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanStartDelayForCooler, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanStartTimeForHeater, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanStopDelayForCooler, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanStopTimeForHeater, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetHeatingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetHeatingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetHumidityAwareStateBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetHumidityLowerAwareThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetHumidityOffset, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetHumidityUpperAwareThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetMinimumOffStateTime, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetOccupiedCoolingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetOccupiedCoolingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetOccupiedHeatingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetOccupiedHeatingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetOccupiedTimeout, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetSamplingInterval, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetTemperatureAwareStateBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetTemperatureLowerAwareThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetTemperatureOffset, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetTemperatureUpperAwareThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor.  
This is SetAwareStateTriggers, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetCoolingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetCoolingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetEnableOccupancyDetection, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetFanControl, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetFanOnInterval, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetFanOnPeriod, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetFanStartDelayForCooler, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetFanStartTimeForHeater, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetFanStopDelayForCooler, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetFanStopTimeForHeater, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetHeatingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetHeatingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetHumidityAwareStateBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
was requiring a 1 percent resolution on humidity so 10.25% = 10 
This is SetHumidityOffset, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
was requiring a 1 percent resolution on humidity so 10.25% = 10 
This is SetMinimumOffStateTime, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetOccupiedCoolingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetOccupiedCoolingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetOccupiedHeatingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetOccupiedHeatingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetOccupiedTimeout, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetSamplingInterval, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetTemperatureAwareStateBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetTemperatureLowerAwareThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetTemperatureOffset, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetTemperatureUpperAwareThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
sets the ReportInterval as minutes on the sensor object the next time this sensor checks in it will update 
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