C# Mine
FilteredPulseCounterBase.UpdateSensorProfileConfig2 Method

sets all data for the ProfileConfig2 configuration available on the sensor

[System.Obsolete("This method is deprecated. Use the SensorEdit method instead.")] public static void UpdateSensorProfileConfig2(Sensor sens, Boolean accumulate, int edge, int filter, Boolean sendSensorUpdate);
Sensor sens 
sens the Sensor object to be updated  
Boolean accumulate 
The default is off standard operation reports the number of pulses detected between heartbeats. Accumulate on will accumulate the readings heartbeat after the heartbeat, accumulation rolls over at 65535 (2^16 or 0xFFFF) 
int edge 
determines if the pulses are recorded at the positive or negative edge of a pulse, positive edge = 0, negative edge = 1, and both edges = 2 
int filter 
determines if there is a filter and what Hz its set to, 40 Hz filter = 0, 4 Hz filter = 1, and no filter = 2 
Boolean sendSensorUpdate 
a Boolean flag that lets the sensor know if it should send up the new configuration 
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