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ExtentionMethods Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ExtentionMethods.

This is ByteArrayToString, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is CallStaticMethod, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is FormatBytesToStringArray, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is FormatStringToByteArray, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is the overview for the GetBit method overload. 
This is GetStaticPropertyValue, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
Acceleration Scale  
This is HasStaticMethod, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
Displacement Scale  
Velocity Scale  
Velocity Scale  
Acceleration Scale  
Displacement Scale  
This is the overview for the SetBit method overload. 
This is StringToByteArray, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is ToCelsius, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is ToCentimeter, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is ToDegree, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is ToFahrenheit, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
Acceleration Scale  
This is ToHertz, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is ToInches, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
Displacement Scale  
Velocity Scale  
Velocity Scale  
Acceleration Scale  
Displacement Scale  
This is ToMPH, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is ToMps, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is ToRadian, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is ToRPM, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
This is ToVersion, a member of class ExtentionMethods. 
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