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MonnitAPN Fields

The fields of the MonnitAPN class are listed here.

This is _readCall, a member of class MonnitAPN. 
This is _WindowHandle, a member of class MonnitAPN. 
This is DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL, a member of class MonnitAPN. 
This is DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE, a member of class MonnitAPN. 
This is devicePath, a member of class MonnitAPN. 
This is hDevice, a member of class MonnitAPN. 
USB Driver handles, etc. 
This is hWinUSB, a member of class MonnitAPN. 
This is interfaceID, a member of class MonnitAPN. 
Monnit USB Settings 
This is pipeInID, a member of class MonnitAPN. 
This is pipeOutID, a member of class MonnitAPN. 
This is rnd, a member of class MonnitAPN. 
Windows constantes 
Outbound (GW -> APN) Message queue V1.0 
Outbound (GW -> APN) Message queue V2.0 
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