C# Mine
Sensor Methods

The methods of the Sensor class are listed here.

Used to fill the byte array with the proper values to send a configuration page to the sensor  
used to fill sensor values with the proper values from the byte array to sent from the sensor  
Builds the command used to ask the sensor to send a copy of it's configuration page  
This is the overview for the BatteryPercentageHelper method overload. 
Force server held configurations to be sent to the sensor at the next communication cycle.  
This is LinearInterpolation, a member of class Sensor. 
Defines in minutes the interval at which the sensor attempts to link/re-link with the gateway. Link heartbeats greater than 1 hour will be rounded to the nearest hour. Accepted values between 1 and 720 (1 minute to 12 hours)  
Sets number of messages sensor sends without acknowledgment from gateway before entering link mode Accepted values between 0 and 10 0 means unlimited (no self healing, power cycling senor will be required if gateway changes channel)  
Defines in minutes the interval at which the sensor communicates with the gateway. Unless triggered to communicate earlier, the sensor will send a data message to the gateway when this many minutes elapse. Accepted values between .017 and 720 (1 second to 12 hours)  
Sets number of RF packets sensor attempts to send a single message to gateway. Accepted values between 0 and 10  
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