C# Mine
Vibration800Base Properties

The properties of the Vibration800Base class are listed here.

CrestFactor [double]  
Data Generated: FundamentalFrequency [int] Expressed as Hz Vibration [double] Expressed as Hz Displacement [double] Expressed as Millimeter CrestFactor [double] PeakHarmonic [double] Expressed as GeForce RmsHarmonic [double] Expressed as GeForce DutyCycle [int] Expressed as Percent Temperature [double] Expressed as Celsius  
Displacement [double] Expressed as Millimeter  
DutyCycle [int] Expressed as Percent  
FundamentalFrequency [int] Expressed as Hz  
This is MonnitApplicationID, a member of class Vibration800Base. 
PeakHarmonic [double] Expressed as GeForce  
This is ProfileType, a member of class Vibration800Base. 
RmsHarmonic [double] Expressed as GeForce  
Temperature [double] Expressed as Celsius  
Vibration [double] Expressed as Hz  
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