C# Mine
DwellTimeBase.SensorEdit Method

Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor.

public static void SensorEdit(ISensor sens, double? heartBeat, long? MiniDwellTimeThreshold, double? MinDetectionTemperature, double? MaxDetectionTemperature, int? MinBodySize, int? ReaveragePeriod, double? DifferentialTemperature, int? failedTransmissionsBeforeLinkMode);
ISensor sens 
sens the Sensor object to be updated  
double? heartBeat 
How often the sensor communicates with the gateway if no activity recorded. 
long? MiniDwellTimeThreshold 
Seconds, Dwell Times below this period will not be reported. 
double? MinDetectionTemperature 
Celsius, The sensor only detects when the surface temperature of objects are between the Minimum and Maximum Detection Temperatures. NOTE: Keep in mind that even though the core temperature of a healthy person is around 37 C skin  
double? MaxDetectionTemperature 
Celsius, The sensor only detects when the surface temperature of objects are between the Minimum and Maximum Detection Temperatures. NOTE: Keep in mind that even though the core temperature of a healthy person is around 37 C skin  
int? MinBodySize 
Any warm body producing fewer than this number of detection pixels in the sensor array will be disgarded and ignored. Do not recommend using 1 pixel because a stray reading on a single pixel can cause less consistent results. The area of the pixel as it projects outward from the sensor face is approximately (distance/4) squared. 
int? ReaveragePeriod 
Minutes, Amount of time it takes to reaverage the background temparature to a particular temperature value. Also used to prohibit reaveraging if a warm body is detected. If a warm body is detected the sensor will stop averaging its backround  
double? DifferentialTemperature 
Celsius, The sensor only detects an object if the temperature difference between the object and the background is greater than Differential Temperature. 
int? failedTransmissionsBeforeLinkMode 
The number of transmissions the sensor sends without response from a gateway before it goes to battery saving link mode. In link mode the sensor will scan for a new gateway and if not found will enter battery saving sleep mode for 2 hours before trying to scan again. Lower number will allow sensors to find new gateways with fewer missed readings. Higher numbers will cause the sensor to hold it setting in a noisy RF environment better. (Zero will cause the sensor to never enter link mode. to find a new gateway channel the battery will have to be cycled out of the sensor.) 
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