C# Mine
SiteSurveyBase.SensorEdit Method

Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor.

public static void SensorEdit(ISensor sens, int? signalTestDuration, int? autoShutoffTime, int? packetTestPassThreshold, int? signalTestMargin, int? rfNoiseDuration, int? rfChannelDelay, int? findGatewayTimeout);
ISensor sens 
The sensor object to be updated  
int? signalTestDuration 
This value in seconds determines the duration of signal test. This duration from the point of time the customer presses the "Start Signal Test" to the end of test and the result report on the LCD and report to the gateway. 
int? autoShutoffTime 
This value minutes determines how long the device will stay on after last button press or signal test completion. 
int? packetTestPassThreshold 
The higher percentage of packets that are successful the better reliability is expected for a given test. Standard sensor communication include integrated retries, so 100% packet level success is not required. 
int? signalTestMargin 
The minimum signal level above general environmental RF interference. To distinguish the test as passing. 
int? rfNoiseDuration 
ALTA Radio waits for the specified duration to get an average noise scan 
int? rfChannelDelay 
ALTA Radio will wait the selected number of channels. (0 = no delay, !0 = 100ms * value)  
int? findGatewayTimeout 
Time allowed to find a gateway to connect with 
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