C# Mine
TwoInputPulseCounterBase.SensorEdit Method

Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor.

public static void SensorEdit(ISensor sens, double? heartBeat, double? awareStateHeartBeat, bool? overflowControl_channel1, bool? reportImmediatelyOnOverflow_channel1, bool? goAwareOnOverflow_channel1, long? overflowCount_channel1, bool? Accumulate_channel1, int? TriggerType_channel1, int? FilterFrequency_channel1, int? ReArmTime_channel1, bool? overflowControl_channel2, bool? reportImmediatelyOnOverflow_channel2, bool? goAwareOnOverflow_channel2, long? overflowCount_channel2, bool? Accumulate_channel2, int? TriggerType_channel2, int? FilterFrequency_channel2, int? ReArmTime_channel2, int? failedTransmissionsBeforeLinkMode);
ISensor sens 
sens the Sensor object to be updated  
double? heartBeat 
How often the sensor communicates with the gateway if no activity recorded. 
double? awareStateHeartBeat 
How often the sensor communicates with the gateway while in Aware State. 
bool? overflowControl_channel1 
bool? reportImmediatelyOnOverflow_channel1 
bool? goAwareOnOverflow_channel1 
long? overflowCount_channel1 
When this number of pulses since the last heartbeat is reached, or exceeded, the sensor will go aware and transmit a data point. This count will scale down as needed for the aware heartbeat. Ex: HB = 100, AHB = 25, Overflow Count = 1000, "Aware" Overflow Count = 250. Overflow of 0 disables the this feature for this channel.  
bool? Accumulate_channel1 
int? TriggerType_channel1 
int? FilterFrequency_channel1 
int? ReArmTime_channel1 
bool? overflowControl_channel2 
bool? reportImmediatelyOnOverflow_channel2 
bool? goAwareOnOverflow_channel2 
long? overflowCount_channel2 
bool? Accumulate_channel2 
int? TriggerType_channel2 
int? FilterFrequency_channel2 
int? ReArmTime_channel2 
int? failedTransmissionsBeforeLinkMode 
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