C# Mine
eGatewayMessageType Enumeration

Type of message the gateway sent. This determines how to interpret the data contained in the message

public enum eGatewayMessageType { Data = 0, Sensor_Configuration = 1, Sensor_List = 2, Gateway_Configuration_Updated = 3, Network_Was_Reset = 4, Gateway_Was_Reset = 5, Gateway_Configuration = 8, Status_Information = 10, Startup_Message = 11 }


Data = 0 
Type of message sent from gateway that contains sensor data. If no additional data needs to be sent the server will automatically respond with configuration messages for the gateway or sensors if needed.  
Sensor_Configuration = 1 
Type of message sent from gateway requesting configuration messages for the gateway or sensors.  
Sensor_List = 2 
Type of message sent from gateway requesting list of sensors allowed to communicate with it.  
Gateway_Configuration_Updated = 3 
Type of message sent from gateway informing server that it has completed updating its configuration.  
Network_Was_Reset = 4 
Type of message sent from gateway informing server that it has completed reforming its sensor network.  
Gateway_Was_Reset = 5 
No longer in use as of Gateway version 3.0  
Gateway_Configuration = 8 
Type of message sent from gateway sending it's actual configuration to the server so that it can be recorded.  
Status_Information = 10 
No longer in use. Was used in Gateway development for passing arbitrary data that could be analyzed  
Startup_Message = 11 
Type of message sent from gateway on startup with firmware version and hardware identifiers included.  
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