Java Mine
ThermostatBase Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ThermostatBase.

This is DefaultActiveStateInterval, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultActiveStateInterval_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultBiStable, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultBiStable_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultBSNUrgentDelay, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
Profile Config Page 2 
Profile Config Page 2 
This is DefaultCalibration2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultCalibration2_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultCalibration3, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultCalibration3_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultCalibration4, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultCalibration4_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
Gen 1 General Config Page 1 (Sector 24) 
Gen 2 General Config Page 1 (Sector 24) 
Not used in Gen1 value doesn't matter 
TODO c# 1 
This is DefaultCrystalStartTime, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
Not used in Gen2 value doesn't matter 
Not used in Gen1 value doesn't matter 
This is DefaultDMExchangeDelayMultiple_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultEventDetectionCount, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultEventDetectionCount_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultEventDetectionPeriod, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultEventDetectionPeriod_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
Trigger Profile Config Page 1 
Trigger Profile Config Page 1 
This is DefaultHysteresis, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultHysteresis_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultLinkAcceptance, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
Not used in Gen2 value doesn't matter //TODO c# -25 
General Config Page 3 (Sector 27) 
Not used in Gen2 value doesn't matter 
This is DefaultMaximumThreshold, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultMaximumThreshold_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
Interval (Measurement) Based Sensors Profile Config Page 1 
Interval (Measurement) Based Sensors Profile Config Page 1 
This is DefaultMinimumThreshold, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultMinimumThreshold_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
Not used in Gen1 value doesn't matter 
TODO c# 72 
This is DefaultRearmTime, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultRearmTime_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultReceiveSensitivity, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultReceiveSensitivity_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultRecovery, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultRecovery_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultReportInterval, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
example of post fix 
General Config Page 2 (Sector 25) 
General Config Page 2 (Sector 25) 
Not used in Gen1 value doesn't matter 
This is DefaultSensorHood1_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
Not used in Gen1 value doesn't matter 
This is DefaultSensorHood2_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultStandardMessageDelay, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultStandardMessageDelay_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
1 use aware flag normal, 0 Don't use aware flag (ForStopping the aware report) 
1 use aware flag normal, 0 Don't use aware flag (ForStopping the aware report) 
This is DefaultTimeOfDayActive, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultTimeOfDayActive_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultTransmitIntervalLink, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultTransmitIntervalLink_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
Decomposes to 3 msgs and 30 sec interval (Bit[7:5] = the number of start-test messages 0 - 7, Bit[4:0] = Interval 0-31) 
Decomposes to 3 msgs and 30 sec interval (Bit[7:5] = the number of start-test messages 0 - 7, Bit[4:0] = Interval 0-31) 
This is DefaultTransmitOffset, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultTransmitOffset_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
RF Config (Sector 8) 
RF Config (Sector 8) 
This is DefaultUrgentRetries, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
Cooler [boolean]  
Data Generated: Temperature [double] Expressed as Celsius Humidity [double] Expressed as Percent Heater [boolean] Cooler [boolean] FanState [boolean] OccupancyState [boolean] FanOverride [boolean] OccupiedOverride [boolean] UnoccupiedOverride [boolean] SettingsLockout [boolean]  
This is DefaultMaximumNetworkHops, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultMaximumNetworkHops_g2, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
FanOverride [boolean]  
FanState [boolean]  
Heater [boolean]  
Humidity [double] Expressed as Percent  
This is implementedSensors, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is impNums, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is MonnitApplicationID, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
OccupancyState [boolean]  
OccupiedOverride [boolean]  
This is ProfileType, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
SettingsLockout [boolean]  
Temperature [double] Expressed as Celsius  
UnoccupiedOverride [boolean]  
creates calibration byte array to be sent to the sensor
@param sensorID The ID of the sensor you want to send the message to @param subACTL the subACTL Denotes the type of control going to be sent down to the sensor, (4 fan Override, 6 Occupancy Override, 7 No Occupancy Override) @param minutes Duration in the amount of minutes used between 1 to 720 minutes @return 
This is classMap, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is Create, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is CreateApplicationBase, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is GetAwareStateTriggers, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetBit, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetCoolingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetCoolingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
Data Generated: Temperature [double] Expressed as Celsius Humidity [double] Expressed as Percent Heater [boolean] Cooler [boolean] FanState [boolean] OccupancyState [boolean] FanOverride [boolean] OccupiedOverride [boolean] UnoccupiedOverride [boolean] SettingsLockout [boolean]  
Returns default configurations for the sensor
@param version The version of the Sensor @param platform The Firmware Generation of your device. i.e. Commercial, Alta, Wifi @return Default configurations for the sensor 
This is GetEnableOccupancyDetection, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanControl, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanOnInterval, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanOnPeriod, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanStartDelayForCooler, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanStartTimeForHeater, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanStopDelayForCooler, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetFanStopTimeForHeater, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetHeatingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetHeatingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
Humidity [double] Expressed as Percent  
This is GetHumidityAwareStateBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetHumidityLowerAwareThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetHumidityOffset, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetHumidityUpperAwareThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is getImplementedSensors, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is GetMinimumOffStateTime, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetOccupiedCoolingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetOccupiedCoolingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetOccupiedHeatingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetOccupiedHeatingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetOccupiedTimeout, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is getProfileType, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetSamplingInterval, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
Temperature [double] Expressed as Celsius  
This is GetTemperatureAwareStateBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetTemperatureLowerAwareThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetTemperatureOffset, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetTemperatureUpperAwareThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is GetType, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
Cooler [boolean]  
FanOverride [boolean]  
FanState [boolean]  
Heater [boolean]  
OccupancyState [boolean]  
OccupiedOverride [boolean]  
SettingsLockout [boolean]  
UnoccupiedOverride [boolean]  
Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor
@param sens sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway if no activity recorded @param awareStateHeartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway while in Aware State @param CoolingThreshold Temperature readings above this value will cause the cooler to turn on @param HeatingThreshold Temperature readings below this value will cause the heater to turn on @param CoolingBuffer The cooler will stay on till the temperature reading is this many degrees below the Cooling Threshold @param HeatingBuffer The heater will stay... more 
This is setCooler, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetCoolingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetFanOnInterval, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetFanOnPeriod, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is setFanOverride, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetFanStartDelayForCooler, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is setFanState, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetFanStopDelayForCooler, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetFanStopTimeForHeater, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is setHeater, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetHeatingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetHeatingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is setHumidity, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetHumidityAwareStateBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
was requiring a 1 percent resolution on humidity so 10.25% = 10 
This is SetHumidityOffset, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
was requiring a 1 percent resolution on humidity so 10.25% = 10 
This is SetMinimumOffStateTime, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is setOccupancyState, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetOccupiedCoolingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetOccupiedHeatingBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetOccupiedHeatingThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is setOccupiedOverride, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetOccupiedTimeout, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetSamplingInterval, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is setSettingsLockout, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is setTemperature, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetTemperatureAwareStateBuffer, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetTemperatureLowerAwareThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is SetTemperatureUpperAwareThreshold, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
This is setUnoccupiedOverride, a member of class ThermostatBase. 
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