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ThermostatBase.SensorEdit Method
public static void SensorEdit(Sensor sens, Double heartBeat, Double awareStateHeartBeat, Double CoolingThreshold, Double HeatingThreshold, Double CoolingBuffer, Double HeatingBuffer, Double OccupiedCoolingThreshold, Double OccupiedHeatingThreshold, Double OccupiedCoolingBuffer, Double OccupiedHeatingBuffer, Boolean AwareStateTriggers, Integer OccupiedTimeout, Integer FanControl, Integer FanPeriod, Integer FanOnInterval, Integer FanStartTimeForHeater, Integer FanStopTimeForHeater, Integer FanStartDelayForCooler, Integer FanStopDelayForCooler);

Allows for the update of the specific type of sensor 

@param sens sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway if no activity recorded @param awareStateHeartBeat How often the sensor communicates with the gateway while in Aware State @param CoolingThreshold Temperature readings above this value will cause the cooler to turn on @param HeatingThreshold Temperature readings below this value will cause the heater to turn on @param CoolingBuffer The cooler will stay on till the temperature reading is this many degrees below the Cooling Threshold @param HeatingBuffer The heater will stay on till the temperature reading is this many degrees above the Heating Threshold @param OccupiedCoolingThreshold Temperature readings above this value will cause the cooler to turn on @param OccupiedHeatingThreshold The heater will stay on till the temperature reading is this many degrees above the Heating Threshold @param OccupiedCoolingBuffer The cooler will stay on till the temperature reading is this many degrees below the Cooling Threshold @param OccupiedHeatingBuffer The heater will stay on till the temperature reading is this many degrees above the Heating Threshold @param AwareStateTriggers The selected items will force the sensor to become aware and send a data point to iMonnit @param OccupiedTimeout The amount of time after the occupied state has been triggered (button press/motion sense/software button) that the system will revert back to the dual threshold settings @param FanControl Various control states for the fan. Auto: HVAC system not the thermostat control the fan. Auto+Periodic: Enable configuration to turn the fan of for a period of time at the beinning of a larger period of time. Meant to be used in conjunction with Fan On Period and Fan Auto Period configuration. If a cooling or heating event occurs, the Perodic Fan event time is reset. Active Fan Control: The thermostat actively controls when the fan turns on/off when the heating/cooling is started and stopped. Meant to be used in conjuction with the various Fan Start Time configurations.(Auto = 0, Auto+Periodic = 1, On = 2, Active Fan Control = 3) @param FanPeriod Amount of time the fan is forced on during the Fan Auto Period. Ex: Fan On Period = 10 minutes, Fan Auto Period = 120 minutes. At the beginning of the 120 minute Auto Period the fan will be forced on for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes the fan will turn off. 120 minutes after the fan was forced on the fan will be forced on again. Fan On Period must be less than Fan Auto Period @param FanOnInterval Interval in which Fan On Period works. Fan Auto Period must be greater than Fan On Period @param FanStartTimeForHeater Fan starts this amount of time after the heater starts @param FanStopTimeForHeater Fan stops this amount of time after the heater stops @param FanStartDelayForCooler Fan starts this amount of time after the cooler starts @param FanStopDelayForCooler Fan stops this amount of time after the cooler starts

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