Java Mine
Sensor Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Sensor.


The action control command that will be sent to the sensor is urgent  

The action control command(s) that will be sent to the sensor  

Defines in minutes the interval at which the sensor communicates with the gateway when the sensor is in the aware state. Unless triggered to communicate earlier, the sensor will send a data message to the gateway when this many minutes elapse.  

For trigger based sensors (Open/Closed, Water, etc) Determines if the sensor is bistable (triggers both directions) or monostable (triggers one direction)  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) Value used by profiles for calibration  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) Value used by profiles for calibration  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) Value used by profiles for calibration  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) Value used by profiles for calibration  

For Wi-Fi sensors Determines whether to use short term logging or long term data logging on the sensor when Wi-Fi connection is not available  

For trigger based sensors (Open/Closed, Water, etc) Sets the event count that must be breached to trigger the event  

For trigger based sensors (Open/Closed, Water, etc) Sets the time period in ms that the event detection count to increment before it is reset  

For trigger based sensors (Open/Closed, Water, etc) Determines if the sensor is normally open or normally closed, the other state triggering aware  

The firmware of the sensor  

set when Recovery is changed  

The value of which generation type the sensor belongs to. IE (Gen1, Gen2)  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) When leaving aware mode back into standard mode the sensor reading must clear the Max or Min threshold by this amount.  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) If reading is above this value the sensor enters aware mode  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) Sets often between report intervals the sensors samples against thresholds  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) If reading is below this value the sensor enters aware mode  

the type of sensor being used such as temperature or humidity  

If set this flag will cause the action control command will be sent to the sensor  

If set this flag will cause the Profile Config 1 page to be sent to the sensor Affected Fields (Interval): MeasurementsPerTransmission, MaximumThreshold, MinimumThreshold, Hysteresis Affected Fields (Trigger): EventDetectionCount, EventDetectionPeriod, EventDetectionType, BiStable, RearmTime  

If set this flag will cause the Profile Config 2 page to be sent to the sensor Affected Fields (Interval): Calibration1, Calibration2, Calibration3, Calibration4  

For trigger based sensors (Open/Closed, Water, etc) sets the amount of time before a bistable trigger is reset to observe another event  

Once the recovery count is reached, the sensor will go to link mode and begin scanning channels and trying to find a gateway to join  

how often the sensor will send non aware data to a gateway  

How many times recovery should happen  

the unique sensor identifier  

How often the sensor attempts to re-link with a gateway once it goes into link mode. Values below 12 are interpreted as hours. values above 12 are interpreted as minutes. the max value allowed in this field is 250. if a value of 0 is given the sensor will default to a re-link interval of 2 hours  
This is the overview for the BatteryPercentageHelper method overload. 

Force server held configurations to be sent to the sensor at the next communication cycle. @param section Configuration section to be sent to the server 

gets if acc has been set for the sensor  

this is now handled by the sensors base application class  

gets the aware state heartbeat for the sensor  

gets what the bistable value has been set as  

gets calibration 1 value  

gets calibration 2 value  

gets calibration 3 value  

gets calibration 4 value  
This is getDataLog, a member of class Sensor. 

gets the event detection count  

gets event detection period  

gets the type of event that will put the trigger sensor in aware  

gets the firmware version for the sensor  

gets if update should take place  

gets if general config 2 values should be updated or not.  

gets the Generation Type of the sensor @return String 

gets the hysteresis value  

gets the maximum aware threshold  

gets how many times during a report interval the sensor will take a measurement  

gets the minimum aware threshold  

gets the application profile type of the sensor  

gets if pending action control command has been set  

gets if there needs to be an update  

lets you know if calibration 1 through 4 has been changed  

get how long in seconds it take to allow a trigger type sensor to be able to be re-triggered  

gets the value that should be reached before link mode  

gets the normal heartbeat for the sensor  

gets how many times the sensor will attempt to reconnect to the gateway  

gets the sensors unique identifier  
This is getSensorPrint, a member of class Sensor. 

gets How often the sensor attempts to re-link with a gateway once it goes into link mode. Values below 12 are interpreted as hours. values above 12 are interpreted as minutes. the max value allowed in this field is 250. if a value of 0 is given the sensor will default to a re-link interval of 2 hours  

Builds the command used to ask the sensor to send a copy of it's configuration page @param section The page of the sensor configuration to have the sensor send 
This is the overview for the Sensor constructor overload. 

sets the action control command @param actionControlCommandIsUrgent allows a u to set true or false if the update is an action command 

sets the aware state heartbeat for the sensor @param activeStateInterval value represents minutes 

If Aware Reading is selected, then the time between the message detecting motion and the message saying 'no motion' is (rearm time + aware state heartbeat).If set to All State Changes, then the time between the two messages is (rearm time + rearm time).This example assumes standard Aware on Motion state. @param bistable 0 or 1 value 

sets calibration 1 @param calibration1 different meanings dependent on the sensor 

sets calibration 2 @param calibration2 different meanings dependent on the sensor 

sets calibration 3 @param calibration3 different meanings dependent on the sensor 

sets calibration 4 @param calibration4 different meanings dependent on the sensor 
This is setDataLog, a member of class Sensor. 

determine by sensor type @param eventDetectionCount value dependent on sensor type 

determined by sensor type @param eventDetectionPeriod value dependent on sensor type 

sets which reading of the sensor will trigger the aware state for trigger sensors @param eventDetectionType (starts = 0, stops = 1, state change = 2) 
This is setFirmwareVersion, a member of class Sensor. 

sets if general config 1 values should be updated @param generalConfig1Dirty allows update to take place 

sets if GeneralConfig2Dirty values should be updated @param generalConfig2Dirty if set to true will update general config 2 values 

Sets the Generation Type of the sensor @param generation (Gen1, Gen2) 

A buffer to prevent the sensor from bouncing between standard operation and aware state when the assessments are very close to a threshold. for example, if a maximum threshold is set to 90 degrees and a hysteresis of 1 degree, then once the sensor takes an assessment of 90.0 degrees and enters the aware state it will remain in the aware state until the temperature readings drop to 89.0 degrees @param hysteresis value determined by sensor type 

sets the maximum threshold of the aware state @param maximumThreshold value determined by sensor type 

sets how many times during the heartbeat a measurement should be taken an example would be if you have a 10 minute reportinterval and you set this value to 2 every 5 minutes a measurement will be taken and if it is in the aware state it will send the data out otherwise it will wait until the report interval to be met to send the data to the gateway. @param measurementsPerTransmission how many times during a heartbeat sensor should take a measurement 

sets the minimum threshold of the aware state @param minimumThreshold value determined by sensor type 
This is setMonnitApplication, a member of class Sensor. 

allows you to set pending action control command @param isPending allows you update or not update 

allows you to set this value to true if specific values you need to updated  

set to true if any calibration 1 through 4 has been changed @param profileConfig2Dirty flag to find out if a specific update should take place 

set how long in seconds it take to allow a trigger type sensor to be able to be re-triggered  

Once the recovery count is reached, the sensor will go to link mode and begin scanning channels and trying to find a gateway to join @param recovery value is the count that should be reached 
This is setReportInterval, a member of class Sensor. 

sets the retry count on the sensor @param retryCount how many times sensor should try to reconnect to the gateway 
This is setSensorID, a member of class Sensor. 
This is setSensorPrint, a member of class Sensor. 
This is setTransmitIntervalLink, a member of class Sensor. 

Defines in minutes the interval at which the sensor attempts to link/re-link with the gateway. Link heartbeats greater than 1 hour will be rounded to the nearest hour. Accepted values between 1 and 720 (1 minute to 12 hours)  

Sets number of messages sensor sends without acknowledgment from gateway before entering link mode Accepted values between 0 and 10 0 means unlimited (no self healing, power cycling senor will be required if gateway changes channel)  

Defines in minutes the interval at which the sensor communicates with the gateway. Unless triggered to communicate earlier, the sensor will send a data message to the gateway when this many minutes elapse. Accepted values between .017 and 720 (1 second to 12 hours)  

Sets number of RF packets sensor attempts to send a single message to gateway. Accepted values between 0 and 10  
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