Java Mine
Sensor Members Public Fields
Public Fields

The action control command that will be sent to the sensor is urgent  

The action control command(s) that will be sent to the sensor  

Defines in minutes the interval at which the sensor communicates with the gateway when the sensor is in the aware state. Unless triggered to communicate earlier, the sensor will send a data message to the gateway when this many minutes elapse.  

For trigger based sensors (Open/Closed, Water, etc) Determines if the sensor is bistable (triggers both directions) or monostable (triggers one direction)  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) Value used by profiles for calibration  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) Value used by profiles for calibration  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) Value used by profiles for calibration  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) Value used by profiles for calibration  

For Wi-Fi sensors Determines whether to use short term logging or long term data logging on the sensor when Wi-Fi connection is not available  

For trigger based sensors (Open/Closed, Water, etc) Sets the event count that must be breached to trigger the event  

For trigger based sensors (Open/Closed, Water, etc) Sets the time period in ms that the event detection count to increment before it is reset  

For trigger based sensors (Open/Closed, Water, etc) Determines if the sensor is normally open or normally closed, the other state triggering aware  

The firmware of the sensor  

set when Recovery is changed  

The value of which generation type the sensor belongs to. IE (Gen1, Gen2)  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) When leaving aware mode back into standard mode the sensor reading must clear the Max or Min threshold by this amount.  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) If reading is above this value the sensor enters aware mode  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) Sets often between report intervals the sensors samples against thresholds  

For interval based sensors (Temperature, Humidity, etc) If reading is below this value the sensor enters aware mode  

the type of sensor being used such as temperature or humidity  

If set this flag will cause the action control command will be sent to the sensor  

If set this flag will cause the Profile Config 1 page to be sent to the sensor Affected Fields (Interval): MeasurementsPerTransmission, MaximumThreshold, MinimumThreshold, Hysteresis Affected Fields (Trigger): EventDetectionCount, EventDetectionPeriod, EventDetectionType, BiStable, RearmTime  

If set this flag will cause the Profile Config 2 page to be sent to the sensor Affected Fields (Interval): Calibration1, Calibration2, Calibration3, Calibration4  

For trigger based sensors (Open/Closed, Water, etc) sets the amount of time before a bistable trigger is reset to observe another event  

Once the recovery count is reached, the sensor will go to link mode and begin scanning channels and trying to find a gateway to join  

how often the sensor will send non aware data to a gateway  

How many times recovery should happen  

the unique sensor identifier  

How often the sensor attempts to re-link with a gateway once it goes into link mode. Values below 12 are interpreted as hours. values above 12 are interpreted as minutes. the max value allowed in this field is 250. if a value of 0 is given the sensor will default to a re-link interval of 2 hours  
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