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WaterBase Members
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The following tables list the members exposed by WaterBase.

This is DefaultActiveStateInterval, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultMinimumCommunicationFrequency, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultReceiveSensitivity, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultReportInterval, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultTransmitPower, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is DefaultMaximumNetworkHops, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is Create, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is CreateApplicationBase, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 
This is GetDefaults, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is GetType, a member of class _ApplicationBase. 

sets all data for the GeneralConfig1 configuration available on the sensor @param sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartbeat a double value this is the ReportInterval and is represented in minutes so if heart beat equals 1 that is one minute @param activeStateInterval a double value this is the aware state heart beat represented in minutes so aware state heart beat equals 1 that is one minute @param transmitIntervalLink How often the sensor attempts to relink with a gateway once it goes into link mode. Values below 12 are interpreted as hours. values above 12 are interpreted as... more 

sets all data for the GeneralConfig2 configuration available on the sensor @param sens the Sensor object to be updated @param recovery Once the recovery count is reached, the sensor will go to link mode and begin scanning channels and trying to find a gateway to join @param sendSensorUpdate a Boolean flag that lets the sensor know if it should send up the new configuration 

sets the ReportInterval as minutes on the sensor objectthe next time this sensor checks in it will update @param sens the Sensor object to be updated @param heartbeat a double value this is represented in minutes so heartbeat equals 1 that is one minute @param sendSensorUpdate a Boolean flag that lets the sensor know if it should send up the new configuration 

sets all data for the GeneralConfig2 configuration available on the sensor @param sens the Sensor object to be updated @param eventDectionType Determines which reading of the sensor will trigger the aware state. (Present = 0, Absent = 1, state change = 2) @param rearmTime Time in seconds after a triggering event that the sensor will wait before re-arming itself.(value range: 1 - 600) @param sendSensorUpdate a Boolean flag that lets the sensor know if it should send up the new configuration 
This is Data, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultBiStable, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultCalibration1, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultCalibration2, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultCalibration3, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultCalibration4, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultChannelMask, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultEventDetectionCount, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultEventDetectionPeriod, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultEventDetectionType, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultHysteresis, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultLinkAcceptance, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultMaximumThreshold, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultMeasurementsPerTransmission, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultMinimumThreshold, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultRearmTime, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultRecovery, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultRetryCount, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultStandardMessageDelay, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultTestTransmitCount, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultTimeOfDayActive, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultTransmitIntervalLink, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultTransmitIntervalTest, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is DefaultTransmitOffset, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is MonnitApplicationID, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is Present, a member of class WaterBase. 
This is ProfileType, a member of class WaterBase.